A smiling waitress interacting with a customer at a bar.

The Complete Guide to Tipping in Ireland: Where, When, and How Much

Navigating the ins and outs of tipping in Ireland can indeed leave you scratching your head. I totally get that feeling – it’s like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces.

That’s why I dived deep into research, gathering insights from my own experiences as well as others’. What came out of this quest is a comprehensive guide aimed at demystifying the tipping culture in Ireland for you.

So, whether you’re dining out, hailing a cab, or enjoying a pint at the local pub, this guide will have you tipping with confidence and ease on your next Irish adventure. Get ready to travel stress-free!

Key Takeaways

  • Tipping in Ireland is not mandatory but a way to show appreciation. Around 10% of the bill is usual for restaurants, and 10-15% for taxis and tour guides.
  • Service staff prefer cash tips, but it’s also okay to tip with a credit card. Always check if there’s already a service charge on your bill.
  • In pubs, tipping isn’t expected per drink but rounding up or giving about 10% of the total bill for table service is polite.
  • For hotel staff like housekeeping or porters, €1 to €2 per day is appreciated if you liked their service.
  • Tipping customs might slightly differ in Dublin and Northern Ireland but generally stay within the 10-15% range for good service across various services.

Quick Tips for Tipping in Ireland

Tipping in Ireland is not mandatory. There are situations when tipping is customary, such as restaurants and for taxi drivers.

Tipping is not mandatory

I need to clear something up for travelers: tipping is not a must in Ireland. Sure, it’s a nice way to show appreciation for good service, especially when enjoying the Irish hospitality at restaurants, pubs, or taxis.

The general idea is to leave around 10% if you’re happy with the service received. But no one will frown upon you if you decide not to tip.

The atmosphere surrounding gratuity here leans towards being relaxed and voluntary. If your experience was exceptional and you feel like showing gratitude with a few extra euros, that’s welcomed by servers and hotel staff alike.

Just keep in mind that while tips are greatly appreciated across various services—from dining out to catching a cab—they’re seen as more of an added bonus than an obligation.

Situations when tipping is customary

  1. Tipping is customary after eating in a restaurant, pub, or cafe, with the usual tip being 10% of the total bill.
  2. If a service charge is not included, it is recommended to tip your server 10-15% of the total bill, or round up to the nearest euro.
  3. Tipping is common for taxis, bar staff, tour guides, and restaurants, with the standard tip being 10 – 15% of the total cost.
  4. In hotels, guesthouses, and B&Bs in Ireland, tipping is not expected but greatly appreciated as a kind gesture.
  5. The general rule for tipping in Ireland is relaxed, with a customary tip of around 10% if the service was good in a restaurant.
  6. The industry standard for tipping in Ireland is between €10 and €15 per day, although the amount is ultimately up to the guest’s discretion.
  7. Tipping in Ireland is a way to show appreciation for the famous Irish hospitality, and tips are always welcomed by service staff.
  8. It is common to tip private tour guides in Ireland, with the recommended amount being 10-15% of the total cost of the tour.
  9. Tipping in Ireland is not limited to just restaurants, as it is also expected for taxi services and other service providers.
  10. While tipping practices in Ireland may vary, it is generally appreciated to tip for good service in various establishments across the country.

What to tip

When traveling to Ireland, it’s essential to be aware of the tipping customs. Here’s what you should tip in various situations:

  1. Restaurants: 10% of the total bill is customary, especially if a service charge isn’t included.
  2. Taxis and Public Transport: 10-15% of the fare or rounding up is appreciated for good service.
  3. Tour Guides: 10-15% of the tour cost is a thoughtful gesture for their service.
  4. Hotel Staff: While not expected, a small tip for housekeeping or porter service is greatly appreciated.
  5. Pubs: If table service is provided, tipping about 10-15% is courteous.

Remember, tipping in Ireland varies by situation, but showing appreciation for good service will always be valued by the locals and service staff.

Next heading: “Tipping Etiquette in Specific Situations”

Service charges

Service charges are not always included in the bill at restaurants or cafes in Ireland. When a service charge is not added, tipping your server 10-15% of the total bill is customary.

If you prefer, rounding up to the nearest euro is also acceptable when paying by cash or credit card. Tipping hotel staff and taxi drivers is common practice as well, often around 10-15% of the total cost for good service.

In general, tipping in Ireland is seen as a way to show appreciation for the hospitality received and isn’t mandatory but greatly appreciated by service staff across various establishments.

Cash vs. credit card tipping

When it comes to tipping in Ireland, both cash and credit card options are widely accepted. Service staff generally prefer cash tips as they can receive them immediately, but many establishments also offer the option to add a tip when paying by credit card.

It’s not only convenient for travelers but also ensures that service staff still receive their well-deserved gratuity.

Tipping Etiquette in Specific Situations

When dining in Irish restaurants, knowing when and how much to tip is essential for a positive experience. From taxi rides to your hotel stay, tipping practices vary across different service industries in Ireland.


In Irish restaurants, it’s common to leave a tip of around 10% of the bill to show appreciation for good service. Tipping is not mandatory, but it’s greatly appreciated by the staff.

If a service charge isn’t included in the bill, I generally round up to the nearest euro or add 10-15% as a gesture of gratitude.

Taxis and public transport

Transitioning from restaurants to transportation, tipping for taxis and public transport in Ireland is customary. When using taxi services, it’s standard to tip 10-15% of the fare.

For public transport, such as buses or trams, there’s no need to tip unless assistance with luggage or extra help is provided by the staff.

Tour guides

When it comes to tour guides in Ireland, it is customary to tip them as a gesture of appreciation for their services. The recommended amount to tip the tour guide is between 10-15% of the total cost of the tour.

Tipping your tour guide is a way to show gratitude for their knowledge and ensuring you had an enjoyable experience exploring Ireland’s attractions and landmarks.

Irish customs favor tipping private tour guides, and doing so demonstrates acknowledgment of their efforts in making your visit memorable. Your gratuity reflects appreciation for the insight they provided during your exploration through Ireland’s captivating scenery and cultural heritage.

Hotel staff

When it comes to tipping hotel staff in Ireland, it is customary to leave a gratuity of €1 to €2 per day for housekeeping. If the hotel staff provides exceptional service or goes out of their way to assist you, consider leaving a larger tip as a token of appreciation.

Tipping the concierge is at your discretion, especially if they have provided tailored recommendations or helped with bookings during your stay. It’s not mandatory, but always welcomed by the service staff.

Remember that Irish hospitality extends beyond restaurants and tours – showing gratitude for hotel staff through tipping is part of acknowledging their efforts in making your stay enjoyable.


Tipping in Irish pubs is customary, so it’s polite to tip around 10% of the total bill if you received good service. You can round up to the nearest euro for a quick and easy tip. If there’s live music or entertainment, tipping the performers directly is a kind gesture and appreciated.

Tipping bar staff for each drink isn’t expected unless they provided exceptional service. Always consider your overall experience and show appreciation accordingly.

Visiting Ireland? Don’t forget that tipping in pubs is part of the culture! A 10% tip on your bill shows gratitude for good service while rounding up to the nearest euro makes it simple and thoughtful.

Tipping in Dublin and Northern Ireland

When in Dublin and Northern Ireland, tipping is customary in restaurants, pubs, and for taxi services. The average tip usually ranges from 10-15% of the total bill. In these regions, it’s also appreciated to tip tour guides and hotel staff around the same percentage as a gesture of gratitude for their service.

Tipping etiquette applies to various service providers including taxis and restaurants. It’s common to show appreciation through tips averaging between 10-15%. Tour guides also expect similar gratuity rates.

FAQs about Tipping in Ireland

Is tipping mandatory in Ireland? When and how much should you tip? Is it rude not to tip in Ireland?

Is tipping mandatory?

Tipping in Ireland is not mandatory, but it is customary in certain situations. In restaurants, pubs, and cafes, tipping around 10% of the total bill is common. Similarly, for services like taxis and tour guides, a standard tip of 10-15% of the total cost is expected.

While not obligatory, tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service and Irish hospitality.

In hotel accommodations including guesthouses and B&Bs across Ireland, tipping is not an expectation but goes a long way in expressing gratitude for exceptional service. The custom varies across different parts of Ireland; however, it’s generally appreciated to recognize good service with a tip.

When and how much to tip?

To tip in Ireland, the general practice is to leave around 10% of the total bill as a gratuity. This applies when dining out at restaurants, cafes, and pubs. Additionally, it’s customary to offer 10-15% of the fare for taxi rides and tours as tips.

Always remember to appreciate good service with a kind gesture by tipping hotel staff and tour guides between 10-15% of their service fee. The relaxed etiquette means that while tipping isn’t mandatory, it’s a way to show gratitude for excellent Irish hospitality across various service providers during your travels.

Is it rude not to tip?

Not tipping in Ireland is generally considered rude, as it’s customary to show appreciation for good service through a tip. Tipping reflects recognition of the hospitality and effort put forth by service staff.

It’s part of the social norm in Ireland to offer a gratuity as a token of appreciation for services provided, especially in restaurants, pubs, taxis, and with tour guides. Therefore, while tipping isn’t mandatory here like in some other countries, it is expected and not doing so can be seen as impolite.


Tipping in Ireland varies but showing appreciation for good service with a tip is a kind gesture. Quick tips like knowing when and how much to give can make your visit smoother. In restaurants, taxis, and with tour guides, 10-15% of your bill or fare is standard.

For hotel staff, any small amount is appreciated but not expected.

In Dublin and Northern Ireland, expectations might slightly differ, but the general practice remains similar across the country. Whether you’re enjoying a meal out or exploring with a guide, tipping acknowledges their effort and hospitality.

Frequently asked questions help clear up common concerns about tipping etiquette in Ireland. Knowing these basics ensures respectful interaction with those providing services during your travels.

Understanding the norms for tipping can enhance your experience while respecting local customs. It’s all about appreciating the service received during your stay in Ireland.

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